Sunday, February 27, 2022

45th Class Reunion Survey

 Hi Class of 1977!

To help us plan another memorable event, we have created a survey and are asking for your participation. Your input matters! Individual responses to the survey will be kept confidential. A graph is generated from all of the responses received to show outcomes. The survey will close on Monday, March 7, 2022, so please take a minute and let us know your thoughts! The results from the survey will help us to make a venue decision, so that a date can be secured based on availability. The reunion will most likely be held in late August or September. 

We emailed class members that we have addresses for. Our hope is that those classmates will pass it along to any other classmates they have stayed in touch with over the years. If you would like to participate and have not received it, please send us a message at and we will forward the link! 

Updates on reunion plans will be posted to this blog along with the following social media sites...Please follow us here:

Facebook Group: Bay City Central Class of 1977
Instagram: bccclassof1977 Hashtag:  #bccclassof1977

Thank you for participating.  We hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate our 45th. It's always a fun time when the Class of 1977 gets together!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Bay City Central Class of 1977 is on the Gram!

Hello Friends!

As we begin the planning process for our 45th Reunion, a class page has been created on Instagram to share information. Please follow us at bccclassof1977. You can also find photos from our last reunion if you search the hashtag #bccclassof1977. Stayed tuned as plans for the reunion develop!